Wow! Where does the time go? We’re in the last week of February already! I still remember New Year’s! Time marches along, I guess, whether you’re on board or not. I barely have a plan together for this year and we’re two thirds through the first quarter. Seriously? Sheesh!

Anyway, before I get too hard on myself for not getting my sh…self together, I have to remind myself about my new philosophy. In my defence, it’s new, so I keep forgetting about it! Whoops!

When I wasn’t working last year, I had applied for income assistance from the Government (which I didn’t end up getting, so “Boo!). In the documents they gave me, there was a tracking sheet that I would have had to submit showing how much time I had dedicated to work search on a daily basis. While I never had to submit the form, at the time, I thought it was still a good idea to use it as a motivator. Pretty soon, I was using the form every day and it helped me get through those long days when I felt like I had accomplished nothing.

While decluttering a couple weeks ago, I had come across those lists and what I noticed was that I had started making lists, not only of jobs I had applied for, but other things I had done that day. Even looking at it almost a year later, I felt accomplished. For those of you who have ever had to be off work for any length of time looking for work, it can get very discouraging and I had figured out a way of motivating myself.

This brings me to my very motivating “Done List”. This weekend, I was very busy. I had gone out both Friday and Saturday nights, coming home in the wee hours both nights. Needless to say, yesterday morning, I did not feel particularly vibrant, but there was a lot of things I wanted to do. Nevertheless, I rolled out of bed around noon and started my day. I knew that it would be extremely easy to waste the day, justifiably because of exhaustion, and watch movies all day, but I was determined to be productive. I started my “Done List”.

So this list is exactly what it sounds like: a list of things I had done for the day. I put all the things on there that I didn’t have to do, but did anyway. I put things on there that when I woke up I had no real intention of doing, but managed to do. I’m not going to lie, “Get dressed” and “Brush teeth” were on that list! Once I was up and started making the list, the rest of the day rolled along nicely with me adding items on the list. I was able to get a shocking amount of tasks done, and I’m proud of yesterday’s list.

As I lament about the time flying by, maybe I should make a little ‘Done List’ for 2015 so far, so it doesn’t seem like I’m wasting time and have accomplished precious little.

My Done List as at February 23, 2015

  • Invested in a pair of hiking boots as a first step toward being more active
  • Learned how to make delicious cornbread, which will go a long way at any potluck I have to attend
  • Learned how to braid my hair from back to front (which is a wonderful accomplishment!)
  • Sticking it out with online dating – even going on a couple dates!
  • Accepting that I may not be able to go to Trinidad this year (which is HUGE for me!)
  • Decluttering the house (with two trips to the donation centre)
  • Rearranging my bedroom after 6 years of it being the same way
  • Keeping the inside of the car relatively clean
  • Bought a tablet, so I can work online easier
  • Starting experimenting with makeup
  • Was asked to present in a creative writing forum

Okay, at first glance, this list is not earth-shattering by any means, but for me and my life, this is incredible. Even while I was thinking about the things to put on it, I amazed myself. It feels good to have done so much in such a short time.

I guess, from this point on, it’s onward and upward, and if I do nothing else for the rest of the year, I’ve done quite a bit already! When I started to write this, I felt like I didn’t have a plan for this year, meanwhile, it seems like a pretty wonderful plan is already underway!


Calm the f*** down!

Yesterday I was what someone I knew considered to be ‘freaking out’ about something and he just said to me ever so calmly, “Why don’t you just calm the f*** down?” The words arrested me. They stopped me in my tracks. After that bucket of cold water had washed over my anxiety, I said to him, “Thanks! I needed to hear that!” Okay, so it’s not commonplace for me to be talked to like that but I certainly wasn’t offended by any means. I think there are times when we let our thoughts take hold and begin a whirlwind and we need to hear, “STOP!”

Any time I think about thoughts going too far, I ALWAYS think about the Las Vegas experience. It happened years ago, but I still think about that as an example of me needing to calm the f*** down!

A guy I was seeing for a few months had a trip planned to Vegas with his best friend. I’ve never been an insecure girlfriend/wife, so I didn’t really mind. I wished him a good time and off he went to Sin City for four days, I think it was.  I got texts from him the morning of, on the way to the airport, while he was waiting to board and a couple when he got there. Then I got nothing! I didn’t think much of it. I’ll be the first to talk about roaming charges, so I thought he was being smart. Then the second day passed. Still nothing. I had texted him, but got nothing in return. Then ensued the worrying. “Did he get there? Is he okay? Did he meet someone else? Why hadn’t I heard from him?” I slowly started working myself up. I’m not going to lie to you. I called his hotel in Vegas. Oh yes, I did. Turns out, the hotel had never heard of him OR his best friend. Then I really started to freak out. I started questioning if he really did go to Vegas and if not, where the heck was he?

Day Three: nothing.

On the fourth day, I get a message from him on Facebook. “Hi babe, I lost my phone in Vegas. Call my work. I don’t know how to get a hold of you.” Turns out, he lost his phone on the first day – first day Vegas shenanigans, of course. The room was in his friend’s friend’s name – they had gotten some deal or something, which, of course I didn’t know. Also, nobody knows anyone’s phone number by heart anyway, so how else would he have gotten a hold of me except through Facebook?! All I remember was thinking at the time, “That makes sense. Duh!” Compounded with the fact that I have NEVER had any trust issues AT ALL where he was concerned, so it wasn’t even rational. After talking with him and him stressing out about having to get a new phone, I realized I was long overdue for a “Why don’t you just calm the f*** down?” I just couldn’t let my mind run away with itself. Geez!

If you remember my banana bread story, you’ll know I have anxiety issues, so when I’m told to smarten up, it helps me put things in perspective. I need more of that in my life.

A new week, a new beginning!


I sat here at the laptop for 45 minutes starting and trashing posts. I had an intense weekend – a lot of introspection, a lot of crying, a lot of laughter – and wanted to share some of it with you. The problem is, it’s Monday….morning….! Who wants to dig deep? Meh. Monday morning is about being positive and putting your best foot forward! The weekend gone is a memory and we are at the furthest point away from the one coming, so this will be the hardest part of the week. I’ll write about my deep thoughts later on in the week when we’ve got a good rhythm to the week going.

For me, Monday is like New Year’s Eve. I spend Sunday night thinking about how I will make the coming week better. Monday morning is full of promise of getting to work on time and other things I would like to accomplish. It’s a new beginning. Some things I have promised to myself on a Monday:

  1. I will pack my lunch the night before every weeknight.
  2. I will NOT eat lunch out.
  3. I will not spend too much time on Facebook in the morning.
  4. I will iron my clothes the night before.
  5. I will schedule my blog posts so I’m not writing when I have to get ready for work.
  6. I will try to think positively at the office.
  7. I won’t let co-workers get under my skin.
  8. I will take my lunch break and spend it away from my desk.
  9. I will plan what I’m making for dinner, so I won’t be scrambling every night.
  10. I will try to be happy and fulfilled because this is my choice, for now.

Every Monday is a chance to do better, especially if the prior week was particularly gruelling. Many days I’ve thought, “If only I had x, then I wouldn’t be in this position right now!”

Many weeks, I don’t accomplish any of this stuff (For example, right now, I have to leave home in 30 minutes and I’m still typing AND lunches aren’t packed! Yikes! *pant,pant*), but I do want to do better. Maybe tomorrow I’ll do better. Every day is a chance to be happy, do better, do more, make different choices.

So for this Monday, I will try to be positive and upbeat, focus on my work at hand at the office and get dinner on the table by 6.30.

The truth is that I may not accomplish any of those things THIS Monday, but there’s always tomorrow! 🙂